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Confirmation registrations for 2024-2025 are now being accepted for 9th & 10th graders who have been baptized, received their first communion and have attended two years of religious education classes in middle school.
Registration forms are available below, and in the parish center office (209 N. Hanford Ave.).
A late fee applies after September 11, 2024.
If you have any questions or concerns, or if you feel called to teach Confirmation, please contact the Confirmation Coordinator J.R. Romero at...
(310) 548-6535 x340
What is the Sacrament of Confirmation? The Cathechism (1293-1300) sets out the rite and celebration of tthe sacrament, from which we best learn its significance. It is the second of the three Sacraments of Initiation. In this sacrament, we receive a special giving of the Holy Spirit.
In the Latin rite, the Sacrament of Confirmation is conferred through the anointing with chrism on the forehead, which is done by the laying on of the hand, and through the words "..[Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit] (Catechism, 1300). Through Confirmation, we more clearly say, "Abba" Father. We come closer to Christ and experience an increase of the gifts of the Spirit. Our tie to the Church is stronger. The Spirit helps us spread and defend our faith by work and deed as witnesses of Christ. (cf. Cathechism, 1302-1303).
For its effects, Confirmation imparts an increase of sanctifying grace which makes the recipient a "perfect Christian"; a special sacramental grace consisting in the seven gifts of the Holy Ghost and notably in the strength and courage to confess boldly the name of Christ; an indelible character by reason of which the sacrament cannot be received again by the same person. A further consequence is the spiritual relationship which the person confirming and the sponsor contract with the recipient and with the recipient's parents.
In the rite of Confirmation, the sign of anointing signifies an indelible character and imprints a spiritual seal. Anointing, in Biblical and other ancient symbolism, is rich in meaning: oil is a sign of abundance and joy. it cleanses (anointing before and after a bath) and limbers (the anointing of athletes and wrestlers); oil is a sign of healing, since it is soothing to bruises and wounds and it makes radiant with beauty, health, and strength. By this anointing the confirmand receives the "mark," the seal of the Holy Spirit.
Contact: Youth Minister/Confirmation Director J.R. Romero, 310-548-6535 x340 . E-mail:
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: This rite, known as RCIA is a process whereby adults who are either not baptized or who have been baptized into another Christian faith tradition are initiated into the Roman Catholic tradition. After a period of Inquiry, a person may decide to formally enter into the process and begins the period of Catechumenate, during which they become familiar with the Catholic Christian tradition. After this period of preparation, they enter into the period of Purification and Enlightenment, a six-week period of intense preparation for receiving the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday night. After being received into the community, there is a fourth period of Mystagogy, during which the newly-received member experiences the joy of being part of the faith community.
Contact: Joy Jones (310) 548-6535, ext. 317
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Teens: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Teens (Teen RCIA), based on the model used in adult RCIA, is a two year process that prepares high school students to receive the fullness of the Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation. This process is part curly good for Teens that do not meet the minimal requirement of two years of Religious Education in Middle School for enrollment in the regular Confirmation program. In Teen RCIA, our high school candidates grow in both the knowledge of the faith and in spiritual formation. Teens will develop a greater sense of belonging to the Parish community through Mass attendance, communal prayer, the sacrament of Reconciliation (confession), service projects, retreats, rites and scrutinies. The Teen RCIA process calls our candidates to make a greater commitment to God through their Catholic faith and develop their knowledge of their own talents and gifts for the spread of God’s Kingdom. We attempt to deepen their understanding of the doctrines and teachings of the Catholic Church as well as the application of these doctrines and teachings in their daily lives.
We pray that the students will be active members of the parish and engage in Christian Service projects throughout their lives. First year Candidates concentrate on Jesus and the Trinity, the image of God, Divine revelation, prayer, the Church, the Mass, the Liturgical year, the Bible and relationships. Second year candidates concentrate on doctrinal concepts, the Gospel message, Morality, the Sacraments, Beatitudes, the Creed and service of our parish and community.
The Confirmation team is made up of experienced catechists, teachers of the faith. If you feel called to share your faith with teens or adults, please contact Dr. Joy Jones at the number below.
Team members need to have a desire and ability to communicate well with Teens. They must have a basic understanding of Catholic doctrine and teaching and be practicing Catholics who will be fine role models for our teens. We welcome new participants.
Registration for Teen RCIA for 2023-2024 is now open. Please click on the link below to go to the Teen RCIA page .
For questions or additional information:
Contact: Joy Jones (310) 548-6535, ext. 317