Sta. Trinidad (Holy Trinity)
Los Cursillos de Cristiandad tuvieron su origen en la Isla de Mallorca, España, en la decada de los cuarenta. En cincuenta años, se ha ya extendido y establecido en los cinco continentes del mundo.
Los Cursillos de Cristiandad son un movimientode renovacion cristiana de la Iglesia Catolica. El cual, mediante un metodo propio, posibilita la viviencia de lo fundamental cristiano en orden a crear nucleos de cristianos que vayan fermentando de Evangelio los ambientes, ayudando a descrubir y a realizar la vocacion personal con respesto da la misma.
El Cursillo (curso pequeño de Cristiandad) en si, es una experiencia que empieza el jueves por la noche y termina el domingo por la tarde. Es un encuentro consigo mismo con dios y con la comunidad. Se puede vivir solo una vezen la vida y por lo tanto no es substituto a un retiro o experiencia de reflexion personal.
La finalidad del Movimiento de Cursillos de Cristiandad es por lo tanto, la evangelizacion de los ambientes a traves de la evangelizacion individual de los dirigentes.
About Cursillo
Cursillos in Cristianity
The movement began in 1940’s on the island of Mallorca, Spain.
Cursillo (pronounced Ku-see-yo) is a Spanish word meaning “short course”. It begins on a Thursday and ends Sunday evening. During those three days the cursillistas (those attending the weekend) live and work together, listening to talks given by priests and lay people. They also attend Mass , receive Communion and visit the blessed sacrament daily.
A cursillo can be made only once in a lifetime, therefore it is not a substitute for a retreat. Actually the Cursillo makes succeeding retreats more profitable, and Cursillistas are encourged to make regular retreats. The cursillo is a powerful instrument of renewal in the Church. Its aim is to concentrate closely on the person and teaching of Jesus Christ.
The Cursillo is an encounter with Christ. Correctly applied and overseen, the Cursillo Movement can have very positive results in the spirtual revitalization of the world. The Christ-likeness in a few people is contagious. The transference of Christian values to others in one’s family, school, place of business, etc., is the Christianing of environments that the Cursillo promotes. The goal of the movement is that Christ be the prime influence in society.
View the flyer
For more information contact Gaspar & Gracie Munoz (310) 832-4230 or Blanca Martinez (310) 602-9693, or e-mail the following addresses:
English: Fr. Gael Sullivan:
Filipino: Fr. Nestor Rebong: