Meditation in this space means mental prayer, in which we talk to and listen to God, using our mental powers of thought (or mulling over), imagination and/or memory to contact God. Here are some of the suggestions to have a fruitful (that is, one that produces virtues and good works) meditation:
1. Give a definite time, like 15 minutes, to meditation every day. Stay with it, even if it seems that your mind is
empty or distracted.
2. Select a place, time of day, and posture that will avoid distractions.
3. Use the readings only to get your own thoughts started. It is not necessary to cover everything – the only
important thing is that you try to “touch the face of God.” When you feel He is talking to you, stop talking mentally
to Him and just listen.
These are only examples of my own meditations. Your thought patterns may be quite different. These are included just to give you an idea of how to start.
That’s really all there is. If you’re a beginner, it might be helpful to make and write some result or resolution after each meditation. The meditations will be on the readings from daily Mass. A Bible will be helpful.