The Rite of Christian Initiation of Teens: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Teens (Teen RCIA), based on the model used in adult RCIA, is a two year process that prepares high school students to receive the fullness of the Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation. This process is part curly good for Teens that do not meet the minimal requirement of two years of Religious Education in Middle School for enrollment in the regular Confirmation program. In Teen RCIA, our high school candidates grow in both the knowledge of the faith and in spiritual formation. Teens will develop a greater sense of belonging to the Parish community through Mass attendance, communal prayer, the sacrament of Reconciliation (confession), service projects, retreats, rites and scrutinies. The Teen RCIA process calls our candidates to make a greater commitment to God through their Catholic faith and develop their knowledge of their own talents and gifts for the spread of God’s Kingdom. We attempt to deepen their understanding of the doctrines and teachings of the Catholic Church as well as the application of these doctrines and teachings in their daily lives.
We pray that the students will be active members of the parish and engage in Christian Service projects throughout their lives. First year Candidates concentrate on Jesus and the Trinity, the image of God, Divine revelation, prayer, the Church, the Mass, the Liturgical year, the Bible and relationships. Second year candidates concentrate on doctrinal concepts, the Gospel message, Morality, the Sacraments, Beatitudes, the Creed and service of our parish and community.
The Confirmation team is made up of experienced catechists, teachers of the faith. If you feel called to share your faith with teens or adults, please contact Dr. Joy Jones at the number below.
Team members need to have a desire and ability to communicate well with Teens. They must have a basic understanding of Catholic doctrine and teaching and be practicing Catholics who will be fine role models for our teens. We welcome new participants.
Registration for 2023-2024 has started! Classes start on Sunday, October 1st. Press the appropriate button below. Read the letter, then print the registration form, fill it out, and bring it to the main office at the Holy Trinity Parish Center, 209 N. Hanford Ave., San Pedro, CA 90732.
Year 1 Letter & Forms
Year 2 Letter & Forms
For questions or additional information:
Contact: Joy Jones (310) 548-6535, ext. 317